Welcome to the official site
of the servant of god
” Life is in Him
And I have lived Him in you
You have chosen me amongst thousands
in order to accompany you
He has given me
the courage to say goodbye to you”
Enrico Petrillo
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official book
Story of Chiara Corbella Petrillo
Editor: Sophia Institute Press

Enrico Petrillo
What Chiara didn’t say
Dear friends,
We are hearing and reading many articles, interviews, TV and web-TV shows which report words that Chiara never said, romantic words portraying her as a fearless woman, with supernatural strength. Such illusions are not good for any of us who are still on our journey towards holiness.
On the contrary, it creates a distance between us and the Lord who – as the saints teach us – is close to us and cares for us. Saints are indeed women and men like us who felt loved by the Lord and who discovered a Father with whom everything is possible. Placing their trust in Him they understood that fear never tells the truth. Let’s ask the Lord to be real witnesses of truth.
The words Chiara actually said are reported in the book and on this website, the two official resources anyone can refer to.
I want to sincerely thank you for all of the love and care that you keep on giving us, and for all of your prayers.
God bless,
Enrico Petrillo
Photos galleries

Al Verano in preghiera 13/16 giugno 2019
29 May 2020
Al verano in preghiera 13-16 giugno 2019 Oggi 13 giugno 2019 dalle 10,00 alle 14,00 e domenica 16 giugno dalle 14,00 alle 18,00, al cimitero

Funeral 16 June 2012
12 June 2012
Funeral 16 June 2012 Photos by Christian Gennari